Think with me here for a minute- what if we were given a chance to press that fast-forward button? How amazing would it be to have the power to skip seasons that we aren’t so fond of? Would we get bored with remaining in repeated seasons? Would we forget what other seasons felt like? Would we be as appreciative of the beautiful seasons as we are now?
Not only do I want to skip to and remain in the season of fall but also fast-forward to the seasons in life filled with pure joy and trust. Those times when we feel the strongest in our faith and believe we can conquer the world and when we’re on fire for Christ and have no passionate goal other than to please Him. But sadly, that season teaches us the least about ourselves.
It’s so difficult not to want to skip seasons in life. Tough seasons are exactly as described- tough. They sting and make us question our purpose on this Earth. They can make us fall asleep with our heads on wet pillows and have broken dreams that feel abandoned by God’s hand. They can bring out the worst of us that we normally try to cover up from the rest of the world.
But I don’t think God created us to cover things up. He didn’t form us intricately in our mothers’ wombs just for us to cry ourselves to sleep every night and feel abandonment by His presence. Though let’s be clear here – we are bound to feel these feelings in some seasons more than others. But the fortunate thing is those feelings aren’t the feelings we were intended to feel. Jesus gave up His life on the cross with the intention that we might experience ultimate love and passion – but, ironically, the season that brought us joyful seasons was the most difficult season of His life. He suffered betrayal, abuse, and abandonment. He was repeatedly scorned to the point of death and did it all so we could have brighter seasons in life and after those join Him for eternity. He gave up practically every good season in return for a season of brutality.
My point here is to embrace your season. Whether it be the driest season yet or one overflowing with scandalous grace, God is still the very same. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever”- Hebrews 13:8 (NLT). Though your physical circumstances may be crumbling, your spiritual circumstance will always remain in His love, and that’s the most important thing. Let us not forget the One who willingly gave up His good seasons so we could have them! Ones where we feel so close to Him, we could almost feel His heartbeat and where we’re never too far to feel His presence. So with arms open wide, welcome the current season and the next and the next one after that because as long as you’re at the feet of Jesus during every season, you will find that those seasons don’t compare to the wonder and awe you have for Christ.
Author: Kirsten