In this season where everyone is talking about what they are thankful for, it is easy for us to have an attitude of gratitude. The problem is that I don’t always have an attitude that reflects the attitude of Christ. I struggle with staying positive when things aren’t going as smoothly as I want them to. I complain way more often than I should, and it has negative effects. Not only am I not as joyful as I could be, but I am missing out on opportunities to be a light to those around me.
Some of my favorite verses are Philippians 2:14-16. They say, “Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.” God has used these verses to convict me. If I really want to be a light for Him, if I want to shine like stars in the sky, I must not complain. Notice these verses don’t say do things without grumbling when you are having a good day. They don’t say do things without arguing when the other person has the same opinion as you. Paul wrote to the Philippians that they should “Do everything without grumbling or complaining.” He says that then they will shine like stars in the sky. Amidst the darkness in the world today, we have to be different if we want to make a difference for the kingdom of Christ and making sure we have an attitude that reflects Christ’s attitude is a way to do that.
Here’s the catch though: you can’t stop at verse fifteen. You can’t just stop once you read that “You will shine like stars among them.” Paul continues by saying, “You will shine like stars among them as you hold firmly to the word of life.” In order to have an attitude where we give thanks rather than grumbling and speak respectfully instead of arguing, we have to have a firm foundation in our relationship with Christ. We must read the Bible and pray and seek instruction from those wiser than us. We must rely on God to shape our attitudes. I have realized that I will never have an attitude of thankfulness and joy on my own. Only God can take my attitude of pity, negativity, and sorrow and turn it into one of humility, positivity, and joy.
As I look forward to eating a feast with my family, I have many things to be grateful for. I am thankful that I was raised in a family where I was taught to make God my priority. I am thankful that God blessed me with a loving family and friends who help point me closer to Him. I am thankful that I live in a country where I can freely worship God and share the gospel of Christ. I am thankful that I am blessed enough to attend a private university and that I have the ability to eat whenever I am hungry. I am thankful that I have clean drinking water and access to adequate health care. The list of things I am thankful for could go on and on and I hope your list could too.
I encourage you during this Thanksgiving season to make a list of what you are thankful for in your life. Making a list can help you to focus on the positive things in your life, despite the challenges you may be facing right now. But after the holiday passes, don’t lose your attitude of gratitude. Appreciating what you have instead of complaining about what you don’t have will not only help you have a better attitude, it will also be an encouragement to those around you. Make the conscious choice to hold firmly to the word of life every day so that you may shine among those around you. Chose to allow God to have control over your thoughts and attitude and you will find joy. Enjoy your time with loved ones this Thanksgiving and make sure to share what you are thankful for, but don’t let your attitude of thanksgiving fade when the season ends.
Author: Mollie