A lot of the time we put God in a box without even realizing it. We have such a strong opinion of what things should look like and how life should play out that we don’t think to ask for His direction. When we do this, not only do we miss out on God’s master plan for our lives, but we also put ourselves in a box. As much as we may think we know what we want, God knows that much more.
Letting God have His way in our lives is hard to grasp because we think that no one could know us better than we know ourselves. No one else could know what we really want or how we picture our future. But the thing we’re missing is God not only knows us; He knows everything (Romans 8:27-30). He knows our past. He knows our future. He knows our genetic makeup and how we’re wired…things that we can’t even understand (Psalm 139). The One who created us is an all-knowing and ever-present God that is aware of every detail. He knows exactly what we need and will exceed our expectations if we allow Him to.
The best part about this is when we experience just a taste of what God has in store for us, we realize how much we don’t want to go back to relying on ourselves. He’s thinking one step ahead of us and has ways far higher than our own (Isaiah 55:9). Why return to our old, closed-minded ways when we have someone who desires to prosper us with His plans (Jeremiah 29:11)?
As humans, we do have limitations. And the amazing thing is God wants to use limits and turn them into strengths because He knows what we’re capable of doing. We don’t need to ignore our limitations; we need to invest in limitations by leaning into Christ. Don’t put the Creator of the Universe in a box. He’s the Creator of the Universe! God can take us places higher and greater than we could ever imagine.
Author: Kirsten