As I reflect on this past year, I realize that only half of that statement is true. I have had an amazing year, but it hasn’t been my year. Don’t get me wrong. I had some pretty rough challenges in 2017. Again, I struggled with periods of depression. My great aunt passed away suddenly. My grandma’s cancer came back. My other grandma (Nana as I call her) fell and suffered some pretty major injuries. I had jaw surgery and again I faced challenges at school and work. The most difficult part of my year was the pain, hurt, and rejection that I felt when my friends and I had some disagreements. Not only was I hurt, but they were hurt. Relationships were damaged, and while I hope for restoration, we aren’t there quite yet. So while this year had just as many challenges, if not more than 2016, I consider this year much more amazing than last.
You may be confused because I said that there were just as many negative things this year as there were last year. How could I describe my year as amazing after I listed off all of those terrible things? I can say that because this year wasn’t my year. It was God’s year. In all of the difficult situations I faced, I was intentional about surrendering everything to Him: my emotions, my thoughts, and my plans. Did that solve any of my problems? Not really. I still had periods of mourning and cried more days than I would like to admit. My heart is still in the process of healing from things that were said to me. I still have waves of depression wash over me at times and I worry about what will happen to those in my family. God didn’t wave a magical wand that made all of my problems go away. But He gave me peace, the kind that surpassess understanding (Philippians 4:7). He taught me how to live a life of true joy.
You see, the most significant difference between 2016 and 2017 was the way I approached my obstacles. Instead of pitying myself and trying to solve things on my own, I chose to remain joyful and live in the presence of God. That doesn’t mean I didn’t do anything when I came across an obstacle. It means I brought it to God first and then did what I felt I needed to do, once my heart and attitude were in line with the Spirit. I failed some days (and still do). There were way too many days where I still woke up with a negative attitude. There were too many days where I tried to do things on my own. But the days that I submitted to Christ outweighed the days that I didn’t. The peace that God provides helps the fears, anxieties, and frustrations fade away. Choosing to live in the peace and presence of God is the best thing that I can do and, I believe it is the best thing you can do as well. When you choose to address your problems the way God would want you to, He will fight for you (Exodus 14:14).
This year, I’ve grown more than I ever have. I’ve grown in humility, surrender, and understanding of God and my identity in Him. I’ve heard God speak in some crystal clear ways. I’ve learned just how much of an impact words really have. I’ve spent more time pouring into my relationships with God and others and less time focusing on myself. I’ve failed. I’ve succeeded. I’ve cried. I’ve laughed. I’ve lost friends. I’ve gained friends. Through everything that has happened, I’ve tried to keep God my priority. I’ve strived to keep my eyes fixed on Him. I’ve grown in keeping in step with the Spirit, living a holy life, full of love, joy, and peace.
Many times the ways we grow are due to the things we experienced. As you reflect on this past year, think about the journey you’ve been on and what you’ve learned. It’s not the things that we did that define our year; it’s the strides we made. And as you reflect on 2017, it is okay to have hopes and goals for 2018. As you think ahead to the coming year, think about how you can make it God’s year. Choose to enter the presence of God each day, because His year will be much more full and satisfying than your year ever could be.
Author: Mollie
Beautifully written Mollie! I love everything about this post. You know I have been through trials in my life and it has taken me a lot longer to reach the mentality and relationship with God you have. I honestly am not quite there yet. I am trying every day to grow my relationship with Christ and others around me. I am also trying to be a good mom and teach my kiddos about the importance of daily walking with God. I fail all the time. But I learn from those failures and I teach my children through those too. I strive to be like you one day! You are such an amazing woman. I love you cousin. Miss you and your whole family lots!!!
Your words mean so much to me. You are such an amazing mom. I love seeing pictures of you and your kids and wish I got to see you all more often. The most important part about a relationship with God is continuing to grow. We are all at different places in our journey. That’s okay as long as we all keep moving closer to Him. Love and miss you too!
I know for sure what amazing women you both are Heather and Mollie! I admit I am a bit prejudice because I am your Grandmother. But I have watched you both grow closer to our Lord through the difficulties you have experienced; and isn’t that the way most of us develop a deeper relationship with our creator. I think of that old saying, “If you don’t wear the cross then you can’t wear the crown.” But I also like to remember that God will never take us to a place where his grace will not support us!