Little did I know that shortly after graduation I’d be thrown into a whirlwind of ups and downs. One was the reality that I wouldn’t be ready to leave for college that August. Also, due to conflicting schedules, I wouldn’t get to see my friends very much. And…I realized how terrible I am at saving money. But even through all of this, I had some unexpected blessings come my way. First, since I took a year off from school, I have had the opportunity to intern as a Creative Arts Intern at the church I now call home. Second, I was hired at one of my favorite retail stores and work with some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. And if it doesn’t get any better, one of my best friends and I get to room together in college next year!
Our expectations of what our life should look like may seem perfect. But the honest-to-goodness truth is that God knows our future and what it should look like to best prosper us (Jeremiah 29:11). We don’t need to be mega planners or worriers…God will work every circumstance out for our good (Romans 8:28). And He will walk alongside us through all of it. I remember feeling so uncertain about what life would look like for me, and that was a scary place to be in. I wasn’t fully leaning into God’s promise that he would take care of me and look out for me in the midst of my doubts.
Expectations are valuable, but unless we have open hands and a willing heart, we will always feel disappointed. The Lord will always guide our steps (Proverbs 3:9), and we have to simply trust in that promise. I want to encourage you all today to be open to the unknown that lies ahead in your life. Whether the unknown is here now or is about to come in your life, go against your gut-feeling to worry or over-plan (Psalm 56:3 + Jeremiah 17:7-8).
There’s a song I’ve been listening to that talks about seasons of uncertainty. The lyrics of “Unknown” by Mosaic have been my prayer for peace during the times I was unsure of where life was taking me, and I think you will find rest in them too.
“Unknown” – Mosaic MSC
My forever in Your heart
Your steps I will follow
I put my trust in who You are
Your voice is my arrow
And I will walk into the dark
To see how the light breaks through
I will run into Your arms
I will hold on to You
I will lift my eyes to things unseen
To the promise in Your victory
And I will build my life on the mystery
Of where You call me, and I will go
Into the unknown
I can’t be shaken with Your words
Hidden in my heart
I can’t contain what I have seen
Light rising from the dark
Greater than I could ever dream
Further than I could ever see
Who can compare to the greatest wonder
Higher than I could ever reach
Stronger than I could ever be
Nothing compares to how You love me
Make these words your prayer and your heart’s desire. Let Him lead you through life instead of making expectations and plans. Open hands and a willing heart are all it takes for God to turn our naive expectations into a beautiful reality.
Author: Kirsten