Attitude, Faith

Changing Your World

     This week brought a lot of change for me. Over the past couple of months, I’ve not been my healthiest self and just haven’t put in the effort. And although I wasn’t putting in the effort, I found myself complaining about not feeling my best – ironic, right? So about a week ago I decided to jump right into exercising and training. Although I know my fair share about nutrition, exercise has always been a gray area for me. It’s interested me but I’ve never felt qualified enough to have a gym membership or play a sport. (Anyone else have issues with trying to qualify themselves?) But allow me to say, a week into my fitness journey, I have no regrets trying it. In fact, I’m more motivated than ever before and excited for what’s to come!


     Even being so new to my fitness journey I’ve come to a place of appreciation for the life and body God’s given me. And not only do I want to be healthier for me, but also for Him, too. Trying out training has been sometimes awkward and hard and not always fun but it’s reminded me of how thankful I should be. I have one body to care for and God’s called us all to honor Him with our bodies (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). I’m just so grateful for the life and breath I have each day, and I want to do all I can to take care of what I’ve been given.


     I may not have started out the most knowledgeable about fitness, but I intend to get there and change my lifestyle. Change has always been exciting to me. I love switching things up even when I’m unsure of what my life may look like. I love to try new things and push myself because I always find it makes me a better person. How well do you like change? How often do you try something new? It’s so easy to fall into a routine, but when we make subtle (or dramatic) changes in our life it makes us live a little more. And life doesn’t feel so robotic!


     I challenge you to try something new this week. Make it your intention to do something you’ve always wanted to do but have been too afraid to try. I remember in the past avoiding change because I was afraid, but being on the other side of it now, I don’t ever want to avoid change again. Whether it’s a yoga class or a bible study or applying for a new job, take a chance to try. It’s better to explore and experience than to never know what could be.

Author: Kirsten

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