Your best life may look completely different from mine. But in general, your best life should be one that fulfills you and gives you a purpose. It’s a life that honors God and leaves you feeling content and satisfied.There is no equation to having the best life, but there are things we can do to help live the best we can live.
Here are five things that have helped me live my best life.
For the past few years, I’ve been really intentional about surrounding myself with people who were for me, for my purpose, and loved me for who I am. My “tribe” has stuck by my side through my darkest moments and I will always be grateful for that. Even if they didn’t know what I was going through, their love for me provided the support I needed to push through my struggles.
We were never meant to walk through life alone. God made us for companionship. People who support your purpose and love you relentlessly will also help you live your best life.
I’m guilty of trying to salvage relationships God no longer wants in my life. But I’ve found that one of the most liberating feelings is letting go of these people. It’s painful in the beginning, but I promise you will breathe a whole lot easier once those friendships are removed from your life.
Toxic friendships are toxic to living your best life. They will do nothing but destroy and tear down everything you’ve worked for. It’s okay to let people go who diminish you. And it’s okay to take care of yourself.
Often we only allow God to move in the small, less-risky areas in our life. We let Him move “rocks” in our life.
Have you ever caught yourself saying to God:
“You can move in this area of my life, but don’t even think about moving here.”
“I trust you with this but let me handle that.”
“Use me here but don’t use me there.”
I’ve said these before. And as a fellow human, I know for a fact we’ve all said these before.
But I dare you to let Jesus move mountains in your life. Actually, allow Him to move the mountains and rocks in your life, regardless of the risk. Because you can put all your money on God and what He will do with your life – just surrender it over. All of it.
One of the greatest things you can do to live your best life is being aware of your strengths and your weaknesses. Gaining that self-awareness will help you know both your boundaries and your potential. We were never meant to be great at everything!
Also, invest in what you’re good at but also make a point to improve in your downfalls. We may never be stellar in our weak spots, but we can always be better.
Carving out time for yourself is key to living your best life. It’s easy to get caught up with what we have to do instead of what we want to do. Make time for whatever brings light into your life. For me, exercising, singing, and spending time with family refresh my soul. What refreshes yours?
I hope these five things help you live your best life. Whatever that may mean for you, I hope that you live a life that is fulfilling to you and one that honors God.
Author: Kirsten