
What Breaks God’s Heart

When I was 14 years old, I prayed “God, break my heart for what breaks yours.” It was a prayer ...

Focused on the Future

If you asked me five years ago where I’d be right now, I’d probably tell you I’d be working full ...

Seeking Gratitude in the Midst of Chaos

The past week has been emotional. I’m guessing many of you are right there with me in thinking I’m not ...

The Ultimate Balancing Act

I’m sure you feel it too: the polarization. There are some pretty strong opinions on masks, police officers, public schools, ...

Seeking Justice in an Unjust World

I wasn’t sure if I wanted to share my thoughts on the recent events. Honestly, I’m scared that something I ...

Such a Time as This

On August 8th, 2019, I got a call asking if I would be interested in substitute teaching in a high ...

Living in the Present

Right now, most of us are living in a season of busyness. I came home from college for break and ...

Live a Life of Intentionality

     Although you may not have noticed, neither Kirsten nor I have posted to the blog in a long ...

Baptism is More Than Just Water

     One of my favorite Sundays of all is baptism Sunday. I think that Easter is the only Sunday ...

Living Your Best Life

What is “your best life?” Your best life may look completely different from mine. But in general, your best life ...

It’s Time to Move On

     The past few weeks and months have been challenging for me. I’ve been hurt by inconsiderate and ignorant ...

Traditions Aren’t Everything

I don’t know about you, but I have traditions I share with my family and friends on Good Friday and ...

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